Every month you can visit your local Warhammer store and pick up a free miniature while stocks last, and the offering in March is a total scorcher – an Aeldari Fire Dragon.

Though their once-great civilisation has been all but destroyed by the calamitous Fall, the Aeldari continue to fight fiercely for their survival. They are championed by the Aspect Warriors – soldiers who train extensively in shrines that worship one of the many aspects of the Aeldari god of war, violence, and murder.
Fire Dragons represent Kaela Mensha Khaine’s wanton destruction, and they obliterate their heavily armoured targets with unwavering discipline, supreme accuracy, and lots of concentrated melta fire.

This month is a twofer for collectable coins – first is an Aeldari coin available from the 1st of March. Then, on the 8th, a Gotrek Gurnisson coin has been minted in commemoration of Black Library Celebration.
Make sure to ask your store manager how you can get your hands on them.* They are all available while stocks last.