Miniature building 101: Injection Plastic Miniatures

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Crafting Excellence: A Comprehensive Guide to Assembling Injection Plastic Miniatures

Dive into the heart of the hobby with the assembly of injection plastic miniatures, the standard bearers of tabletop gaming. With their prevalence and versatility, mastering the art of assembling these miniatures opens the door to a world of customization and strategic craftsmanship. In this detailed guide, we unravel the steps to ensure a seamless and visually stunning outcome for your injection plastic creations. After white metal miniatures companies like Games Workshop started offering injection mold plastics. This was a technology used in the plastic model field, you knowplanes, trains, automobiles....and tanks.  Initially miniature companies used these for accessories like universal guns swords and shields, but by the mid 80s they started making whole miniatures as customizable parts-swapppable miniature kits.

1. Setting the Stage: A Well-Prepared Workspace

Begin your assembly journey by creating an organized and well-lit workspace. Gather essential tools, including precision hobby clippers, a mold line remover, plastic glue, a pin vise, plastic rods or paper clips, magnets, and modeling putty. Preparedness sets the tone for a smooth and enjoyable assembly process.

2. Clipping Parts: Precision in Every Incision

Examine the sprues carefully, identifying the optimal points for separation. Use precision hobby clippers to make clean cuts, minimizing stress on the miniature during extraction. Ensure that the cut is as close to the model as possible, preserving intricate details.

3. Cleaning Up the Model: A Symphony of Perfection

Inspect the model for any mold lines or imperfections resulting from the injection molding process. Employ a mold line remover or a hobby knife to eliminate these unwanted elements. unlike white metal you can use make related items like sanding sticks and disposable nail files as the plastic is much softer than white metal. Assemble the model using plastic glue, leveraging its chemical bonding properties to create a robust and seamless connection between components. Glues like Tamiya extra thin cement are a great option. the cement melts the plastic and makes a welded bond. Also you can use the cement to melt any rough surfaces. If you dont have access to tamiya products in your area. check out this video from Goobertown Hobbies

4. Pinning and Reinforcing: Strategic Stability

While injection plastic models are generally lightweight, larger constructs may benefit from additional support. Identify areas that may require reinforcement, such as joints or weight-bearing components. Use a pin vise to drill small holes, inserting plastic rods or paper clips for added stability. Secure the reinforcements with glue for a sturdy outcome.

5. Magnetizing Parts: A Touch of Customization

For hobbyists who relish customization, magnetizing parts adds a layer of versatility to your miniatures. Determine which components you want to make modular, drill small holes for magnets, and insert them securely with super glue. This allows for easy interchangeability, providing a dynamic and customizable tabletop experience.

6. Filling Gaps: Achieving Flawless Integration

Though injection plastic models generally fit snugly, minor gaps may still occur. Apply modeling putty or specialized gap filler designed for plastic models to any imperfections. Smooth the putty with a sculpting tool, ensuring a seamless finish that enhances the overall aesthetic of the miniature. Another option to use instead of putty would be sprue goo. Dont know what sprue goo is check out this article

7. The Grand Reveal: Admiring Your Craftsmanship

Upon completing the assembly process, take a moment to marvel at your handiwork. Ensure that all components are securely attached, and the miniature stands true to its envisioned form. Admire the details and precision, appreciating the flexibility and customization that injection plastic miniatures bring to the gaming table.

Conclusion: Elevating Your Gaming Experience

Assembling injection plastic miniatures is a journey of both precision and creativity. Whether you're a veteran hobbyist or a newcomer to the tabletop realm, the steps outlined in this guide provide a roadmap to crafting miniatures that not only stand proudly on the gaming table but also carry a touch of your unique style and vision. Happy assembling, and may your injection plastic warriors become legendary on the battlefield!

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