The Ultimate Guide to Conversion Kits for Warhammer 40K Miniatures

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What are conversion kits for Warhammer 40K miniatures?

Conversion kits for Warhammer 40K miniatures are sets of unique parts and accessories designed to customize and personalize your miniatures. These kits allow you to modify your models to create original and distinctive characters or units that reflect your style and creativity. Conversion kits provide a fun way to add a unique touch to your Warhammer 40K army, making your collection stand out on the battlefield.

Benefits of using conversion kits

Incorporating conversion kits into your Warhammer 40K collection can add variety and uniqueness to your miniatures. They allow you to customize your models, giving them a personal touch that sets them apart from standard units. Using conversion kits also sparks creativity and enhances your hobby experience by challenging you to think outside the box and create something truly one-of-a-kind.

Popular conversion kit manufacturers

Besides BW Terrain & Forge, some other popular manufacturers of conversion kits for Warhammer 40K miniatures include Forge World, Kromlech, Anvil Industry, and Spellcrow. Forge World offers high-quality resin kits that add intricate details to your miniatures but its not clear with the rebranding of what the future of forge world is. Kromlech provides a wide range of conversion bits, especially known for their Ork-themed parts. Anvil Industry focuses on customizable parts for creating unique miniatures. Spellcrow specializes in fantasy and sci-fi conversion bits, perfect for adding flair to your Warhammer 40K models.

How to choose the right conversion kit for your miniatures

When choosing a conversion kit for your miniatures, consider the theme and style of your army. Decide if you want to add new details or completely transform your models. Look for kits that are compatible with your miniatures' scale and size, as mismatched parts can be difficult to work with.

For example with space marines make sure you are getting parts for the armor type. Legacy marines and and Primaris intercessors tend to be in scale hands, shoulder pads are interchangeable. Heads Primaris and non Primaris do have a slight difference of size. Then you have Gravis armor which are larger so shoulder pads, heads and backpacks need to made just for them. Next Phobos armor is lighters and slimmed down, so you need really need to look at what will work and what will be too large. Last we have Terminator armor we just got a redesign to have larger terminators, so you need to know do you have older kits or newer. The heads, shoulder pads can be swapped however arms and weapons you need look on case by case basis to see if they will look in scale.

Also check on reviews from other hobbyists on youtube, blogs, and social media to see the quality and ease of use of the conversion kits. Additionally, think about your budget and how much you're willing to spend on enhancing your miniatures.

Step-by-step guide on using conversion kits

If you're new to using conversion kits for your Warhammer 40K miniatures, worry not! Conversion kits are a fantastic way to add unique touches and customize your models to stand out on the battlefield. This detailed guide will walk you through the entire process, ensuring you have a smooth and enjoyable experience. Let's dive into the steps required to effectively use conversion kits to bring your creative visions to life.

Step 1: Selecting the Right Conversion Kit

The first step in working with conversion kits is selecting the right one for your project. Here are some tips to help you make the best choice:

  • Define Your Vision: Before you start, have a clear idea of what you want your miniature to look like. This means visualizing the final product, considering the pose, the level of detail, and the thematic elements you want to include. Think about how this conversion will enhance your army's overall appearance or the specific narrative you want to convey with this model. Creating a sketch or finding reference images online can help solidify your ideas.

  • Research Available Kits: Spend time browsing online stores, forums, and social media to find conversion kits that match your vision. Look for kits from reputable manufacturers and artisans known for high-quality sculpts and casting. Pay attention to community feedback and reviews to ensure you’re getting a product that meets your expectations in terms of detail, fit, and durability. Don’t hesitate to reach out to other hobbyists for recommendations or advice on the best kits for your specific project.

  • Compatibility: Ensuring the conversion kit is compatible with your base model is crucial. Check the scale and fitting details to avoid any issues during assembly. Compare the conversion kit’s components with your existing model to ensure they will integrate smoothly. Sometimes, conversion kits are designed for specific models or ranges, so double-check that your chosen kit is intended for use with your particular Warhammer 40K model. This will save you a lot of frustration and modification work later.

Step 2: Gathering Necessary Tools and Supplies

Having the right tools and supplies is crucial for a successful conversion. Here's a list of essential items you'll need:

  • Hobby Knife: A sharp hobby knife is indispensable for precise cutting and trimming of plastic or resin parts. Invest in a quality knife with replaceable blades, and always keep the blade sharp to ensure clean cuts. A dull blade can lead to messy cuts and potential damage to your parts. Always cut away from yourself to avoid injury and use a cutting mat to protect your work surface.

  • Glue: The type of glue you use is important for a strong and lasting bond. Plastic glue is ideal for plastic parts as it melts the plastic slightly, creating a strong bond. For resin or metal components, use super glue (cyanoacrylate). Apply glue sparingly to avoid excess that can mar the model’s details. A precision applicator can help control the amount of glue used and ensure it’s applied exactly where needed.

  • Files and Sandpaper: Files and sandpaper are essential for smoothing edges and ensuring a perfect fit. Various shapes and grits are useful for different tasks; for instance, round files can smooth internal curves, while flat files can clean up straight edges. Sandpaper, particularly fine-grit, can be used to smooth larger surfaces and remove mold lines. Always sand in a well-ventilated area and consider wearing a mask to avoid inhaling dust particles.

  • Clippers: Quality clippers are necessary for removing parts from sprues or cutting excess material. Look for clippers with a fine, sharp edge that can make clean cuts without crushing the parts. Use them to carefully snip parts from the sprue close to the attachment point, then use a file or sandpaper to clean up any remaining nub.

  • Pin Vice and Drill Bits: A pin vice with a set of drill bits is essential for drilling holes when pinning parts together for added strength. Pinning involves inserting a small metal rod (a pin) into drilled holes in both parts to be joined, providing a strong mechanical connection. This is especially useful for heavy or load-bearing parts. Choose drill bits that match the diameter of your pinning material, such as paper clips or brass rods.

  • Green Stuff or Putty: Green stuff (kneadatite) or other modeling putties are used for filling gaps and sculpting custom details. Mix the putty according to the manufacturer’s instructions and apply it to gaps or areas needing additional detail. Use sculpting tools to shape the putty before it hardens. Dampen your tools with water or a lubricant like Vaseline to prevent the putty from sticking to them.

  • Paints and Brushes: Finally, you’ll need paints and brushes to paint your converted miniature. Acrylic paints are the standard for miniatures due to their ease of use and wide range of colors. Invest in good quality brushes in various sizes for different tasks, such as base coating, detailing, and dry brushing. Ensure your brushes are well-maintained and clean to prolong their lifespan and maintain painting quality.

Step 3: Preparing for Conversion

Preparation is key to a successful conversion. Follow these steps to get ready:

  • Clean Your Workspace: Ensure your workspace is clean and well-organized. A clutter-free environment helps you focus and prevents losing small parts. Use containers or trays to organize parts and tools. Adequate lighting is also crucial; a bright, adjustable desk lamp can help you see fine details clearly. Consider setting up a dedicated hobby space to keep your tools and materials within easy reach and your projects undisturbed between sessions.

  • Wash the Parts: Washing all parts from the conversion kit and the base model with warm, soapy water is essential to remove any mold release agents. Mold release agents are used during the casting process and can prevent glue and paint from adhering properly. Use a soft brush, like an old toothbrush, to gently scrub the parts, then rinse them thoroughly and let them dry completely. Avoid using hot water as it can warp delicate parts, especially if they are made of resin.

  • Dry Fit: Before gluing, dry fit the parts to see how they align and fit together. This means temporarily assembling the parts without glue to check their fit and make any necessary adjustments. Use tack or blu-tack to hold parts in place if needed. This step allows you to identify potential issues such as gaps or misalignments, which you can address before committing to permanent assembly. It also helps you plan the assembly sequence to ensure the smoothest construction process.

Step 4: Assembling and Customizing Your Miniature

Now that you're prepared, it's time to start assembling and customizing your miniature. Follow these steps:

  • Follow the Instructions: Begin by carefully following the instructions provided in the conversion kit. These instructions will guide you through the specific steps needed to assemble the parts. Read through the entire instructions first to understand the process and identify any steps that require special attention. Keep the instructions handy as you work, referring back to them regularly to ensure you’re on track.

  • Cut and Trim: Use your hobby knife and clippers to carefully cut and trim the parts from the sprues. Be meticulous when removing parts to avoid damaging delicate details. Cut close to the attachment points but leave a small amount of sprue to file down later. Trim away any mold lines or flash (excess material from the casting process) with your knife or file. Smooth the trimmed areas with fine-grit sandpaper for a clean finish.

  • Glue Parts Together: Apply glue to the parts and press them together firmly. Hold the parts in place until the glue sets. For larger or heavier parts, consider using the pinning technique for added strength. When gluing, ensure that the parts are aligned correctly to avoid gaps and misalignments. Use clamps or rubber bands to hold parts in place if needed while the glue dries. Work in small sections to maintain control over the assembly process.

  • Fill Gaps: If there are any gaps between the parts, use green stuff or putty to fill them. Mix the putty thoroughly and apply it to the gaps with a sculpting tool. Smooth the putty with a damp finger or tool to blend it seamlessly with the surrounding surfaces. Allow the putty to cure fully before proceeding. For larger gaps, build up the putty in layers, allowing each layer to cure before applying the next.

  • Customize Details: Add any additional details or modifications you envisioned. This could involve sculpting new features, repositioning parts, or combining multiple conversion kits for a truly unique model. Use green stuff or putty to sculpt custom elements like extra armor, clothing, or accessories. Experiment with different techniques to achieve the desired effects. If you’re adding elements from other kits, ensure they fit well and enhance the overall look of the model.

Step 5: Painting Your Converted Miniature

Once your conversion is complete, it's time to paint your miniature. Here's a brief overview of the painting process:

  • Prime the Model: Apply a primer to the entire model to create a base coat that helps paint adhere better. Use a spray primer for even coverage and choose a color that complements your planned paint scheme. Hold the can about 12 inches away from the model and apply light, even coats. Allow the primer to dry completely before moving on to painting. Priming in a well-ventilated area is crucial to avoid inhaling fumes.

  • Base Coats: Apply the base colors using thin, even coats. Start with the largest areas and work towards the smaller details. Thin your paints with a little water to achieve smooth, even coverage without obscuring details. Apply multiple thin layers rather than one thick one, allowing each layer to dry before applying the next. This builds up a solid base color without leaving brush marks.

  • Shading and Highlighting: Add depth and dimension by applying washes for shading and lighter colors for highlighting raised areas. Washes are thin, dark paints that flow into recesses, creating shadows and enhancing detail. Apply them over the base coat and let them dry completely. Highlights are applied to raised areas and edges with a lighter version of the base color or a complementary shade. Use a fine brush and light touch to apply highlights, building them up gradually.

  • Detail Work: Focus on painting fine details such as eyes, weapons, and insignia. Take your time and use a steady hand. Use a fine-tipped brush and high-quality paints for detail work. It’s often helpful to brace your hands against a stable surface to steady them while painting small details. Work slowly and carefully, touching up any mistakes as you go.

  • Seal the Paint: Once your painting is complete, apply a clear varnish to protect the paint job from handling and wear. Matte varnish provides a non-reflective finish, while gloss varnish gives a shiny look. Apply the varnish in thin, even coats using a spray can or airbrush. Allow the varnish to dry thoroughly before handling the model. This final step ensures your hard work is preserved and protected during gameplay.

Showcasing your converted miniatures

Creating a showcase of your converted Warhammer 40K miniatures can be a rewarding way to display your creativity and skills. When showcasing your converted miniatures, consider the following tips:

  • Use a well-lit area or consider investing in a lightbox to highlight the details of your miniatures.
  • Position your miniatures on a clean and clutter-free surface to keep the focus on your creations.
  • Experiment with different angles to capture the unique features and conversions of each miniature.
  • Consider creating themed displays or dioramas to tell a story with your miniatures.
  • Share your work on social media or dedicated Warhammer 40K forums to connect with other hobbyists and enthusiasts.

Common mistakes to avoid when using conversion kits

Watch out for the glue - sometimes it can be too strong or not strong enough, affecting the quality of your final product. Make sure you have all the necessary tools before starting your conversion project. Plan your conversion carefully to avoid mismatched parts or proportions. Check the compatibility of the conversion kit with your miniatures before purchasing. Practice on spare parts before attempting to convert a favorite model.

Conclusion: Elevating your Warhammer 40K experience with conversion kits

If you want to take your Warhammer 40K experience to the next level, investing in conversion kits is a great way to customize and enhance your miniatures. Conversion kits allow you to personalize your army and create unique models that stand out on the battlefield. Whether you're looking to add intricate details, unique weapons, or different poses to your miniatures, conversion kits offer endless possibilities for creativity and customization. By incorporating these kits into your collection, you can bring your Warhammer 40K army to life in ways that reflect your vision and style.

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